So today I was watching the film "Control" with centers on the life of Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division, and I realized that I do not own many "old" (or classical as many people would put it these days) albums. I checked my ITunes library and the oldest albums I have are The Get Up Kids "Four Minute Mile" released in 1997 and Foo Fighters "The Colour and The Shape" released the same year. I also have Styx and Journey's Greatest Hits. While I don't hate older music, I don't feel musically incomplete because I don't own Pink Floyd's "The Wall" or Led Zeppelin's self-titled album or Metallica's "Black" record, but after watching "Control," I am definitely going out and purchasing their two albums, along with giving New Order(Joy Division after Curtis' death) a listen.
So after pondering about how "classical" bands have been able to remain relevant to this day, I was thinking about what bands today in the many different sub-genres of rock will remain fresh in about 20 years and I originally came across a few, because I was thinking what the majority of the population will think. The problem with thinking like that is today's society has this uncontrollable love for Top 40 music these days. It is ridiculous and an insult to any REAL fan of music. "Artists" like The Jonas Brothers, Metro Station, Nickelback, and a good majority of rappers do not deserve the privilege to have their crap being blasted by car radio's and boom boxes.
So I compiled a list of 20 bands (in no particular order) that should remain influential and heard 20 years from now:
1. Death Cab For Cutie - A no brainer here. They continually release strong records. I also am waiting patiently for a Postal Service follow-up.
2. Jimmy Eat World - Released the most influential album for this generation (Clarity) and show no signs of stopping. They are equally as good live as they are on record.
4. Underoath - Their never-ending love and passion for music allows them to keep pushing the envelope of post-hardcore.
5. Thursday - The pioneers of the genre post-hardcore continue to mature with each record. Unfortunately their latest release, "Common Existence," may be their last.
6. Alkaline Trio - While they are already legends in the punk world, their voices still need to be heard by the masses.
7. Band Of Horses - The music is just as beautiful as an ocean sunset.
8. Every Time I Die - While their name is a little cliche, which is why I refer to them as ETID, they are everything that is good in the metal industry. Keith Buckley is a genius with the microphone.
9. Muse - If you didn't see this coming, then that rock you are under must be comfortable.
10. Portugal. The Man - It is only a matter of time before people start realizing this bands amazing work habit and commitment to their music.
11. The Shins - This is the band that will change your life.
12. Silversun Pickups - If "Carnavas" is any sign of where this band is headed, my ears are eagerly awaiting its newest release ("Swoon" is being released in April).
13. Against Me! - After years of perfecting the punk sound, their first stab at pop-punk w/ "New Wave" should and will be a remembered forever.
14. Say Anything - What teenager can't relate to their lyrics.
15. As I Lay Dying - They ARE the future of metal.
16. Pelican - They may not use vocals, but they are better then most bands that do.
17. Motion City Soundtrack - How can you not have a good time when listening to this band? There quirkiness keeps this band fresh and original.
18. Modest Mouse - With more albums and ep's than you can count on two hands, Modest Mouse keeps influencing most of todays bands.
19. mewithoutYou - Their poetic lyrics and sporadic instrumental parts is something that needs to be witnessed live.
20. The Gaslight Anthem - They have been compared to Bruce Springsteen, and they have only released ONE album.
Now of course these are my opinions and there are many other bands that should be listened to farther down the road.