You really can't come into this movie expecting any surprises since the plot has been referenced by its predecessors, but Terminator doesn't worry too much about being original.
This is the film that every Terminator fan has been waiting for. The fight against the machines has unraveled and it is a brutal one to say the least.
I was extremely concerned for the franchise after the piece of shit that was T3. I had never been that disappointed in a film, until I saw Spiderman 3, so I wasn't too concerned with this film because they had no where to go but up. And how can you argue with the casting of Christian Bale as John Connor. I didn't think he could take on another larger then life character. But what really got me hooked was James Cameron giving the ok to McG on the film and Paul Haggis (Crash) polishing the script.
Christian Bale's portrayal of John Connor is definitely the best out of the major 3 actors that have taken a swing at the character. He transfers Connors distraught and confusion of this battle he has been preparing and known about his whole life. He is keen on finding his future "father" Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin) throughout most of the film and his determination is felt just as much as his anger was felt when he cussed out the production guy. His interaction with his wife Kate Connor, played by Bryce Dallas Howard, takes a back seat to his eagerness to find Reese. I do wish there was more interaction between the two, and when there was I was hoping for more passion from Bale.
The guys that steal the film are Sam Worthington, playing the don't-fuck-with-me-I-have-a-bad-past Marcus Wright and Yelchin as Reese. James Cameron personally recommended Worthington to McG for the part that was offered to James Brolin. This guy is THE next big action star. He brings so much more depth to a character that could have be written off as a sidekick. I was skeptical about casting Charlie Barlett, aka Anton Yelchin, as Kyle Reese, due to his lack of size and his unproven action abilities, but he blew me away. He brought justice to the character.
McG took the machines look to a whole new level. They look like the ignored offspring of Megatron. They make Optimus Prime look like a Tonka Truck. The flawless interaction and scenes with the machines are brilliant.
Overall, the film reminds everyone what a pure action film should be.
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